Transformers Studio Series SS-117 / 86-23 Ratchet (Takara Version)

No accessories to look out for in the back of the tray. Nice thick cardboard for the tray though, compared to the flimsy Hasbro version.
Decepticon Shuttle Ambush backdrop

Ratchet is the Autobot team’s chief medical officer. Being able to repair almost anything, Ratchet is invaluable to the Autobots as a healer, often times being the last hope the Autobots have on the front lines when fighting for their very survival against the Decepticons.
Naturally, the figure is a retool of Studio Series 86 Ironhide.
Admittedly, Ratchet isn’t in my personal top 10 Autobots, I’m not even sure he’s in my top 20. He mostly served only as a medic in the G1 cartoons and was just kinda there (and also help build the Dinobots). But somehow, he always didn’t really impress as character, maybe because the writers never gave Ratchet his own adventure or anything, unlike in the comics.
Thanks to the redesigned Ironhide body, we get the most screen-accurate version of G1 Ratchet yet in the CHUGs scale.

Hasbro decided to change his classic “Red Cross” shoulder decals to this new “Autobot sign of life”, after the Red Cross dtarted heavily enforcing their trademark logo.

It’s a shame Hasbro didn’t make the skirt plates move individually; it can look awkward at times.
Be mindful of the sides of his legs, as they are made with weaker clear plastic pieces.
Ratchet comes with dual laser pistols (“Static Laser Guns”?).
Since his fists are now painted, be mindful of paint scrapes from repeated attachment of the laser pistols.

Similar to Studio Series 86 Ironhide, his pistols can be stored on his back.

They can also be pegged into the back of his legs as well, but you’ll have to remove the lightbars for the ambulance mode first.

Same as with ironhide, the vehicle mode is also much, much better than the previous Ratchet releases!
Tabbing the roof halves together is the trickiest part of the transformation, I wish they made it less stressful to execute. Also, note the color discrepancy between the painted and non-painted parts. Hopefully, this won’t be an issue down the road when the unpainted plastic yellows and the painted areas won’t.
The pistols can be stored underneath the vehicle mode, to serve as exhaust pipes.
The dual laser pistols can also be mounted on top of his van mode. You just have to remove the light bars first.

With the “Decepticon Shuttle Ambush” backdrop

With Ratchet in hand, we’ve got our “Ambushed Shuttle Crew” together. I really should try to add some group shots one time down the road to this post.
Overall, just like Ironhide, this thing is darn near perfect! Short of an actual Masterpiece figure, this take on Ratchet is simply the best one so far for the CHUGs line. Thankfully, this was released in solid case assortments so he isn’t too hard to get. I wish he came with more than just his dual guns though. I look at Studio Series 86 Hot Rod and then I look at Rachet and it’s sad how little in terms of accessories we get with this set.
I grabbed the Takara version on pre-order from a local shop since I wasn’t sure if the official distributor was going to bring this figure in (they did though, cheaper too. Lol…).