Transformers Takara Unite Wars Superion (Aerialbots 5 pack)
Gotta love the back of the manual. The guy in the car is the Sheik, Hassan, from the G1 episode “Aerial Assault”
Amazing how a heavily done repaint and a new headsculpt can make this mold into a different, albeit, somewhat show accurate character.
Same weapons, different colors.
Aerialbots together!
Merge into Superion!!!!
I like how Air Raid and Skydive’s guns can be plugged in here:
Comparisons with the Hasbro versions (Takaras on the left)
Air Raid
Also, note that the Takara versions have black screws instead of silver
Quick weight comparison
-Superion – 505 Grams
-Defensor -552 Grams
-Menasor – 599 Grams (without Blackjack)