Transformers Takara Unite Wars UW-03 Defensor

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Transformers Takara Unite Wars UW-03 Defensor

Hot Spot
First Aid
Street Wise

Cartoon on the back side of the manual

Hot Spot

Yeah, I can totally see this guy repainted into RID Optimus Prime one day.. as an “exclusive”

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)

(lol, I know mis-transformed him in these shots, but I didn’t feel like doing the whole thing again)

First Aid

I can’t think of anything more unnerving than having a doctor wield an axe….

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)


Blades is the resident “bad boy” of the group IIRC.

Wrist rockets are always sexy!

Blades and First Aid’s gun is slightly different.

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)

Street Wise

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)


I love the fact he comes with 2 pistols

Groove and Streetwise’s guns are identical

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars Legends Scale version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)

Lol.. Blades can ride Groove too, the others can’t though, legs are too thick.

The Protectobots!


I wish he came with a bigger gun

One of Defensor’s special abilities is the power to generate wide area force fields.

Comparison with Hasbro Combiner Wars version (Takara on the right, Hasbro on the left)

The Coin


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