X-Transbots BEK-01TK Boosticus Upgrade parts for Fall of Cybertron Takara Ver. Bruticus
Parts can combine into a trailer-type platform.
Attaching this part is tricky, check Youtube videos if you’re not sure.
Wish the artillery cannons on Onslaught were a bit better.

Some of the parts can be attached to the Combaticons in robot mode.
Bigger “ankles” for Brawl.

Stabilizer (spoiler? ) for Vortex

Attaching the hand to Vortex is a bit tricky too, just try to tuck the peg into the backside of his knees, like so:
Muuuuuch better.

The new “feet” make him more stable as well.
I like how they even added the 3 “dots” on his back. Lol… his “kill switch” made by Starscream in the G1 mythos.

Flamethrower accessory.
Vortex’s spinning rotor blades look better with the added stabilizers too.
Funfact:There are actually quite a number of repaints of this pack from the same company, to match the colors of the various Bruticus repaints (Hasbro, SDCC, Takara). The company is also working on an upgrade kit for the Wreckers version of Bruticus, Ruination.
