Young Justice 6″ Batman with rooftop diorama.
No doubt one of the harder (And more expensive) figures from this line (the others being the 6″ Kid Flash, and the 3.75″ Artemis, Green Lantern and Superman) due to the sudden death of the toyline at retail chains in the US.
The Roodtop base is nice though.

From the back it’s a disappointment though.
lol… you can even fit Bats in there..
Batman comes with a Batarang…
….And smoke bomb. The smoke bomb requires being plugged into a foot peg, otherwise it will topple over very easily.

“Wait…. Glade Ambipure??”

I really love the look and feel of this figure, reminds me a lot of Batman the Animated Series Batman. If only the cape were a bit longer, this would’ve been perfect.
