Transformers Universe Leo Prime. Box Leo Prime is a retool of the Transformers Cybertron Leo Breaker,with a new head and …
Transformers Universe Treadbolt Pop out cannons The jetpack can be removed. A straight up repaint of Classics/Henkei Jetfire Removable helmet. …
TF G1 Classics Cyclonus and TF Henkei Cyclonus comparison. Classics version. Henkei version. Vehicle mode Targetmaster Nightstick Henkei vs Classics. …
Transformers Universe Starscream I got lucky in finding this figure, I was about to go Ebay for it when I …
TF Classics Acidstorm AcidStorm actually appeared in the G1 series, albeit only as a background character. Gold
Transformers Universe Dropshot A repaint of Transformers Cybertron Scattershot. Key chip releases additional weapons. Gold
Transformers Universe Blades A straight up repaint of Transformers Cybertron Evac/Life Convoy. Rotating blades Retracting Zipline Key chip releases missile …
TF Universe Classics Deluxe Galvatron. Tank Mode Robot Mode While this rendition of “post-movie Megatron” looks really good from the …
Transformers Universe Heavy Load. Minicon Drill bit. Drillbit can also ride in vehicle mode. Again, another repaint based from Transformers …
Transformers Universe Blaster Another repaint, this time from Transformers Cybertron Soundwave. Key chip plugs into the back and releases Black …