Figma Archetype Next : [He]
Set even comes with a plastic baggie for you to put spare accessories in (is this a constant with all Figma releases?)
Comes with everything shown, even a spare “wrist joint” in case you break one. Pretty good customer-centered service right there.
Hmm… the back side is not something you really want to focus on, a lot of unusual indentions and cavities, but I guess it’s the only way to get the poses done right.
Flexible toes. Love the way the figure balances here.
Figure stand is a great help with action poses!
Waiting for the bus pose…
With the She-type
OK, admittedly, I did not expect to have this much fun with this figure. The poses are pretty fun to do and they look, really, really good. I highly recommend this figure (and the female version, too) to anyone looking for a great figure to toy around with.
A big thank you to my good friend, Peter, for letting me take pictures of these awesome figures from his collection. I think I will have to get a pair of these guys for myself!