Transformers Kingdom Deluxe Class Airazor

Another Optimus Prime random trading card.
Weapons are located on the back of the tray.

Airazor’s wings are mis-transformed in package, this is what the proper configuration looks like.
Airazor is one of the few Maximals that can fly. She eventually develops a close relationship with fellow Maximal, Tigertron. Her first act after coming online was destroying the Predacon, Terrorsaur.
She comes with her dual forearm mounted missile launchers.
Though personally, I prefer to peg them into her hands. They just look really big and awkward on her slender forearms.

Her missiles/ weapons can be mounted on her beast mode.
Overall, I really like how Hasbro pulled off this figure, it’s fun to handle in both modes and it looks great in both modes as well!