Transformers Generations Thunderwing Based on the Pretender character, in the classic Marvel Transformers comics, Thunderwing came into possession of the …
Transformers Generations Dirge With the Henkei figure Gold
Transformers Generations Blurr Blurr is a reuse of the Drift mold with a new headsculpt, guns instead of swords and …
Transformers Generations Red Alert With the Henkei figure Gold
Transformers War for Cybertron Soundwave. Soundwave’s weapons can be stored in his chest (the weapons sort or remind me of …
TF Generations War for Cybertron Megatron Based on the War For Cybertron Game Decepticons attack!!! Megatron’s alternate mode is a …
TF Generations Darkmount aka G1 Straxus Weapon placement/ Turret mode Darkmount is actually more popular amongst G1 comic fans as …
Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Cliffjumper Cliffjumper is a retool of Bumblebee. Gold
Transformers Generations Drift. Originally known as the Decepticon Deadlock, this Transformer gave up his ways, traded his guns for swords …
Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Bumblebee. Like Prime, Bumblebee also hails from the War for Cybertron game. Bumblebee comes with …