Transformers Animated Voyager Grimlock Grimlock comes with flaming sword. The pop out gimmick on the sword is really nice. Gold
Transformers Animated Jetfire and Jetstorm. Jetfire Jetstorm. While Jetfire has flame abilities, Jetstorm has freeze and wind abilities. Both jets …
Transformers Animated ~ The Autobot Elite guard. Gold
Transformers Animated Deluxe Blurr Blurr is one of the nicer figures in the line, sadly, he’s also a bit too …
Transformers Animated Leader Class Ultra Magnus In the TF Animated universe, a Magnus is the highest ranked Autobot, as opposed …
Transformers Animated Deluxe Sentinel Prime Sentinel Prime was made as a rival for Optimus, but the character just ended up …
Transformers Animated Deluxe Jazz Jazz comes with a pair of nunchucks hidden in his forearms. The rope on the ‘chucks …
Transformers Animated ~ The Earth based Autobots. With the Deluxe Optimus. With Activators Bumblebee. “Autobots, front and center!” Gold
Transformers Animated Activators Bumblebee. I really love this toy, pushing the red button makes it auto-transform. perfect toy for kids. …
Transformers Animated Leader Class Bulkhead. One regret with this figure is that he comes with a buzz saw instead of …