G.i. Joe Classified Retro Cobra Commander

Ruthless, fanatical and obsessed with world domination, Cobra Commander’s true identity and background are a mystery even to his most loyal allies and subordinates. Amassing a loyal army by recruiting displaced people and promising them money and power, he establishes the terrorist organization, “Cobra”, to sow chaos and fear in the world’s governments, forcing them to subject to his diabolical will.
The figure is a redeco of the Cobra Commander that came with the Classified H.I.S.S. Tank.

The previous release that came with the H.I.S.S. featured the V1 Cobra emblem on his torso, while this version sports the corrected design.
I just LOVE the chromed finish on his face plate!
Fittingly, Cobra Commander comes with a pointing right hand.
He comes with a dagger that can be sheathed on his left thigh.

He also comes with his iconic “Venom Laser pistol”, while it never appeared in the cartoons, it was the vintage toy’s only accessory back in the day (aside from his backpack).
The Venom Laser pistol can be stored on his backpack when not in use.
I didn’t have time to break out the previous Classified Cobra Commanders, but here’re the images and review links.

Overall, hands down the best “classic” Cobra Commander we’ve gotten by far in this line. The one that came with the H.I.S.S. Tank was decent, but this one blows that out of the water. The chrome finish on this guy’s face plate just totally rocks! Plus, all the throwbacks to the vintage toy is just icing on the cake. I’m so happy Hasbro finally gave us a proper Cobra Commander figure for the Classified line.

Hasbro gave Cobra Commander the oddball codename “Casey” when pre-orders for it was first leaked. This can also be seen on the front of the shipping box.