Transformers Henkei Optimus Prime Box Basically the same toy as the Hasbro version, this one sports more cartoon accurate colors …
Transformers Reveal the Shield Scout Class Windcharger Flip out forearm blasters. Gold
Transformers Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime I was very, very fortunate to acquire this, as finding one now is …
Transformers Reveal the Shield Perceptor Deployable cannon Chrome parts (missing on the United version) Gold
Transformers Reveal the Shield Wreck-Gar Axe weapon Axe can be mounted on Wreck-Gar’s back Gold
SDCC 2008 Transformers Universe Nemesis Prime Box A backtrack of sorts. This figure was first released as an SDCC exclusive …
TF Classics, Optimus Prime and Megatron “Ultimate Battle” boxset Box Featuring an all new sculpt for Prime and Megatron along …
Transformers Universe Leo Prime. Box Leo Prime is a retool of the Transformers Cybertron Leo Breaker,with a new head and …
Transformers Universe Treadbolt Pop out cannons The jetpack can be removed. A straight up repaint of Classics/Henkei Jetfire Removable helmet. …
TF G1 Classics Cyclonus and TF Henkei Cyclonus comparison. Classics version. Henkei version. Vehicle mode Targetmaster Nightstick Henkei vs Classics. …