Transformers Earthrise Selects Soundwave Spy Patrol 3rd unit Wingthing Frenzy Skar Knok Wingthing Originally a weapon accessory for Action Master …
Transformers Cyberverse Rack’n’Ruin Introduced in the old Marvel UK Transformers comics, this character was originally two separate Transformers but were …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons King Poseidon Piranacon In the Japanese Masterforce continuity, Turtler/ Snaptrap is the only sentient member of …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Tentakil lol… man, is that squid face creepy. Tentakil is equipped with electromagnetic tentacles that can …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Overbite lol… a walking shark with legs.. talk about “jumping the shark”, HasTak. Weapons and Combiner …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Lobclow (Nautilator) Weapons and Combiner hand can be mounted on the beast mode. Melee weapon can …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Kraken (Seawing) Weapons and Combiner hand can be mounted on the beast mode. Stealthy and silent, …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Gulf (Skalor) Skalor’s beast mode is actually a coelacanth, a type of large fish that date …
Transformers Generations Selects Seacons Turtler (Snaptrap) His jaw can be opened in beast mode. Heh, the front feet are really …
Transformers Taikongzhans Kubian Cool Become Brave Undersized Devastator The manual is actually hidden inside the small box on the side. …