Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege Seekers Group Shot

This set was really difficult (and expensive) to get together, as the Majority of these were released as exclusives that weren’t available in mass retail locally here in Manila. I had to order from various sources and had to ask for help from a friend to grab the Skywarp set from Amazon Canada (thanks Erik!).
These guys do look good together though, funky colors and all.

Seekers! Transform!

Rollcall (L-R)
-Thundercracker (Mass retail release)
-Skywarp (Phantomstrike boxset/ Amazon exclusive)
-Acid Storm (Rainmaker Seekers 3-pack/ Target Exclusive)
-Nova Storm (Rainmaker Seekers 3-pack/ Target Exclusive)
-Ion Storm (Rainmaker Seekers 3-pack/ Target Exclusive)
-Hotlink (Netflix series/ Walmart Exclusive)
-Redwing (Generations Selects)
-Starscream (Mass retail release)

I haven’t gotten to opening the Earthrise “conehead” seekers yet. I will try to update this group shot down the road.
Individual galleries:
Lol… just when I thought it was over, Hasbro just announced the Sparkless Seeker redeco for the next Netflix wave. Sigh… and so on it goes..