Articles Index

Transformers Generations Thundercracker

Transformers Generations Thundercracker Comparison with the Henkei version. Similar with most Henkei vs. Generations. The Henkei is closer in terms …

Transformers Generations Scourge

Transformers Generations Scourge Not really feeling Scourge’s vehicle mode here. Scourge’s gun looks very reminiscent of his G1 Targetmaster partner. …

Transformers Generations Skullgrin

Transformers Generations Skullgrin Skullgrin is also based on the Pretender from G1 lore. The toy is retool of the Generations …

Transformers Generations Thunderwing

Transformers Generations Thunderwing Based on the Pretender character, in the classic Marvel Transformers comics, Thunderwing came into possession of the …

Transformers Generations Dirge

Transformers Generations Dirge With the Henkei figure Gold

Transformers Generations Blurr

Transformers Generations Blurr Blurr is a reuse of the Drift mold with a new headsculpt, guns instead of swords and …

Transformers Generations Red Alert

Transformers Generations Red Alert With the Henkei figure Gold

Transformers War for Cybertron Soundwave.

Transformers War for Cybertron Soundwave. Soundwave’s weapons can be stored in his chest (the weapons sort or remind me of …

Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Megatron

TF Generations War for Cybertron Megatron Based on the War For Cybertron Game Decepticons attack!!! Megatron’s alternate mode is a …

TF Generations Darkmount aka G1 Straxus

TF Generations Darkmount aka G1 Straxus Weapon placement/ Turret mode Darkmount is actually more popular amongst G1 comic fans as …

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