Articles Index

Marvel Legends Doctor Octopus & Aunt May

Marvel Legends Doctor Octopus & Aunt May Doctor Octopus Once a kind, noble-hearted scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius was driven criminally …

Marvel Legends Gamerverse Spider-man (2023)

Marvel Legends Gamerverse Spider-man (2023) Based on Peter’s new costume for the Playstation Spider-man 2 game. Continuing on from the …

Marvel Legends Puff Adder Wave

Marvel Legends Puff Adder Wave Iron Man (Extremis) Molecule Man Baron Von Strucker Yelena Belova Wonder Man Orb Captain America …

Transformers Masterpiece MP-53+B Dia Burnout

Transformers Masterpiece MP-53+B Dia Burnout Since the character is from the Diaclone era of figures, Takara Tomy didn’t put down …

Hi-Metal R Macross VF-1S Super Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijo Ver.)

Hi-Metal R Macross VF-1S Super Valkyrie (Hikaru Ichijo Ver.) I love Bandai’s new “reverse” packaging. You get to appreciate the …

G.i. Joe Classified Retro Zartan

G.i. Joe Classified Retro Zartan Not much is known about Cobra’s “Master of Disguise”, but Zartan is a mercenary who …

G.i. Joe Classified (partial) Wave 12

G.i. Joe Classified (partial) Wave 12 G.i. Joe Classified # 59 Cover Girl G.i. Joe Classified # 62 Outback G.i. …

Marvel Legends Squadron Supreme 2-pack (Hyperion & Doctor Spectrum)

Marvel Legends Squadron Supreme 2-pack (Hyperion & Doctor Spectrum) Hyperion As a member of the alien race known as the …

Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)

Indiana Jones (Temple Escape) Dr. Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones, Jr. is a professor of archaeology teaching at “Marshall College”. An …

Transformers “War Dawn” 2-pack (Dion and Erial)

Transformers “War Dawn” 2-pack (Dion and Erial) Dion Orion Pax’s fellow dock worker and best friend. He was present when …

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