Transformers Legacy Core Class Iguanus Iguanus is so obsessed with his Pretender shell that he almost never takes it off. …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Skids The Autobot team’s Theoretician, Skids usually spends his time daydreaming and understanding the Transformer race’s …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Kickback As a Decepticon espionage agent, Kickback can work his charming personality around most humans and …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Dragstrip A sore loser who prefers being scrapped as opposed to losing, Dragstrip relishes his small …
Transformers Generations Selects Voyager Class G2 Megatron Based on Megatron’s look from the Generation 2 toyline and his appearance in …
Transformers Legacy Leader Class Laser Optimus Prime Prime’s Energon Axe can be folded up and stored on the vehicle mode. …
Transformers Studio Series 86-15 Leader Class Sludge Remember to check the back of the tray for the blaster accessory. Mockery …
Transformers Studio Series 86-14 Voyager Class Junkheap Remember to check the back of the tray for the wheel parts. “Junkion …
Transformers Studio Series 86-12 Coronation Starscream Heh… accessories are all wrapped in paper. I’ll have to get used to that. …
Transformers vintage G1 Star Saber and Victory Leo Brain Robo Brain of Courage (yes, that is his name in this …