Transformers vintage G1 Autobot Clones Admittedly, I decided to use reproduced stickers from to make the figure look more …
Transformers vintage G1 Punch Counterpunch I never had the original toy, but are the mismatched blue plastics really a thing? …
Transformers Studio Series 86 Core Class Spike Make sure to check the back of the package, as that’s where the …
Transformers Transform Dreamwave (TDW) TCW-10 Generations Selects Seacons King Poseidon upgrade kit Optional brackets for the arms are in a …
DNA DK-23 Earthrise Titan Class Scorponok Legs Upgrade Kit Box is fairly big. Measures 8.5 x 12 inches in dimension. …
Super7 ReAction Optimus Prime Lol… so, I gave in and grabbed this one when I saw it a local shop, …
Transformers Legacy Selects DK-2 Guard Not much is known about DK-2 Guard, as no bio was included with the figure. …
Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Silverstreak This character is essentially still Bluestreak, only with a different name. The colors are a reference …
Transformers Legacy Voyager Class Blaster Hmm.. not sure what this is about.. Blaster is the Autobot’s Communications Officer. A huge …
Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Studio Series 86 – 02 Kup One of the oldest Autobots around, Kup loves to share his …