Transformers Super 7 ReAction Unicron Super 7’s take on the planet-eating villain from the 1986 Transformers the movie. Standing roughly …
Transformers Studio Series Gamer Edition +03 Optimus Prime Based on Optimus Prime’s appearance in the Transformers War for Cybertron/ Fall …
Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Origin Jazz Interesting to look at Hasbro’s latest innovation in their packaging. The new “sandwich” design pretty …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Crosscut Remember to check the back of the tray for the weapons and accessories. As the …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Shrapnel Remember to check the back of the tray for the accessories. Twisted and sadistic, Shrapnel’s …
Transformers Rise of the Beasts Voyager Class Optimus Prime I only got this as an impulse buy, since the new …
Transformers Legacy Deluxe Class Hot Shot I’m still on the fence as to whether I’m going to open this one …
Transformers Robot Enhanced Design (R.E.D.) Reformatting Megatron The lord of destruction and leader of the Decepticons, Megatron is cold, ruthless …
Transformers Masterpiece MPG-03 Yukikaze Same as before, this MPG unit comes with two modular railway sections that can connected together. …
Transformers Legacy Leader Class Galvatron Remember to flip out these heels on the figure when you first open him up. …