Transformers Kingdom Voyager Class Dinobot He comes with a card …of himself… Originally a fierce Predacon, Dinobot eventually switched sides …
Transformers Kingdom Leader Class Ultra Magnus My random character card features Megatron. As Autobot City Commander, Ultra Magnus is in …
Transformers Netflix Deluxe Class Cheetor Take note, the accessories are located behind the tray. The youngest member of the Maximal …
Transformers Netflix Deluxe Class Deep Cover As usual, make sure to check the back of the tray for the accessories. …
Transformers Netflix Voyager Class Sparkless Seeker Oh, Hasbro… why…? The backdrops were what made the Netflix sets so cool. The …
DNA Design DK-21 Upgrade Kit for Earthrise Scorponok (Shield and Scorpion legs) Similar with the DK-19 set, this set also …
DNA Design DK-19 Upgrade Kit for Earthrise Scorponok (Cannon and Leg shields) The set comes with “Twin Pulse Blasters” that …
Transformers Earthrise Titan Class Scorponok Box is standard Titans Class. Measuring 24 x14.5 x 6 inches in dimension. I love …
Transformers Generations Selects God Neptune The box is insanely big, and flat too, like a portrait. Measuring at about 18.5 …
Transformers Masterpiece Mp-51 Arcee Good tooling on the dashboard and steering wheel. Crusher attachment clips on her right side (I …